The Videos
Chapter 1. Dance with the steps of this course
Character and Rhythm
Chapter 2. Pasos caminados
Different steps parallel and crossed (Pasos caminados)
Chapter 3. Figures with Ochos
3 Figures with Ochos
Chapter 4. Colgadas (o Centrifugadas)
3 Figures with Colgada
Chapter 5. Barridas
3 Figures with Barridas
Chapter 6. Giros
5 Figures with turns
Chapter 7. Voleos
3 Figures with Voleos
Language: English
Maestros: Ricardo "El holandés" & Rotraut Rumbaum
Recorded: Tangosalón "Sin Rumbo" Buenos Aires
Música: "No me olvides corazón" - Miguel Caló singer Iriarte
"Desde el alma" - Osvaldo Pugliese
Lenghts: 1 hr. 30 min
Sistem: MP4 / screen 16:9
This Product was added to our catalogue on 29/11/2009.